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Living in EuropeBankingSweden


Opening a bank account

Depending on the length of your stay in Sweden, there are different ways to open a bank account.

Bank ID

BankID is widely used in Sweden. It is a common way to identify yourself in digital environments. In order to obtain a BankID, you must have a Swedish Personal Identity Number and be a customer of one of the banks that issues BankID. You need to make a personal contact to the bank. Read more at the website of BankID

Paying with cards

Once in Sweden, you will be able to use most international pay cards in stores, banks and cash machines/ATM’s. Note, to a large extent Sweden is a cash-free society. While most stores and restaurants still accept cash, some will only accept payments via bankcards or Swish. Read more about paying with cards in Sweden.

Currency converter

With a currency converter you can convert most common currencies to and from Swedish crowns, SEK.

Bank holidays

Here you can find information on current Swedish bank holidays.