Sweden is one of the world’s most innovative and research-intensive nations. Nearly four percent of Sweden’s GDP goes towards research and development, one of the highest rates in the world. As a result, Sweden has a leading position in areas like environmental technology, life science, ICT and nanotechnology. The bulk of the research taking place in Sweden — about 70% — is financed by the business sector.
The State and the business sector collaborate through “industrial research institutes”, which they fund jointly. These institutes are independent of the higher education system but often work closely with universities and other higher education institutions. Other forms of public-private partnership in or near institutions of higher education are technology parks and “centres of excellence”.
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Business Sweden helps companies to establish business and research activities in Sweden
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RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Needs-driven, applied research is RISE’s core activity and is always conducted in collaboration with customers and partners, either in publicly funded consortiums or through direct assignments on behalf of the private sector. RISE also offers competence development and specific support for small and large businesses. www.ri.se/en
Sweden.se, the official source for facts about Sweden. For information on business in Sweden see the section at https://sweden.se/business/
Vinnova is the Swedish innovation agency, which promote collaborations between companies, universities, research institutes and the public sector. Find out more