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Showing results 30 to 40
  • forskarfredag

    European Researchers’ Night in Sweden

    The last Friday and Saturday of September, science and research is celebrated in over 370 cities in 27 countries across Europe. In Sweden, activities are organised in around 30 cities and towns across the country under the name ForskarFredag (Researchers’ Friday). Read more at https://forskarfredag...
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    Researchers’ Grand Prix! N.Ö.R.D – Apply online

    Would you like to become excellent at explaining your research? Participate in the Researchers’ Grand Prix! Through the N.Ö.R.D (National Open Nationwide Contest), you can directly win a place in the Researchers’ Grand Prix final on 26 November 2019! Read more at
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    International Postdoc 2020

    This is the first call for applications within Forte’s new international postdoc programme – a programme that aims to increase international researcher mobility and cross-border research collaboration. The programme offers grants to incoming and outgoing postdocs. Read more about the call and...
  • nobel_week_dialogue_2019

    Nobel Week Dialogue

    On 9 December 2019 in Gothenburg.      Into the unknown: Uncertainty, risk and opportunity. We can never know everything; all of our choices have elements of the unknown. As individuals and as a society we face many risks and uncertainties, but these can also be turned into opportunities. Indeed...
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    Open and upcoming calls from the Swedish Research Council

    The Swedish Research Council is Sweden’s largest governmental research funding body, and supports research of the highest quality within all scientific fields. Every year, we pay out almost 7 billion SEK to support Swedish research. Read more about the open and upcoming calls at
  • vinnova_green_payoff_eng_rgb_270x58

    New AI-effort will meet the climate challenge

    Artificial intelligence has great potential to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt society to climate change. Vinnova and Formas are making a new effort to push the use of AI to meet the climate challenge. Vinnova and Formas together invest SEK 90 million in the call for proposal...