HRS4R in Sweden
Information page for Swedish institutions
Information page for Swedish HEI
On this page we have collected information and useful documents about HRS4R in Sweden.
The information is aimed for research institutions who will start or have started the implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (called “the Charter and Code”).

Eighteen Swedish research institutions have so far received the HR Award.
At the links below, you will find information from each university that has been awarded the HR Excellence in Research. You will find documents relating to the award and contact information to the institution.
Luleå University of Technology (15.01.2018)
Jönköping University (11.12.2018)
Örebro University (21.12.2018)
Uppsala University (27.02.2019)
Södertörn University (20.11.2019)
Karolinska Institutet (08.06.2020)
Halmstad University (14.07.2020)
Karlstad University (08.09.2020)
Lund University (22.09.2020)
Umeå University (06.10.2020)
Linnæus University(26.02.2021)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (07.05.2021)
University of Borås (12.05.2021)
University of Skövde (21.10.2021)
SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) (13.07.2022)
Malmö University (07.04.2023)
University West (12.04.2023)
Blekinge Institute of Technology (22.07.2024)
If you are in the process or about to start, you will find useful information from the Swedish Euraxess network below in the tabs.
Workshop November 7, 2024, at 9-10:30
The EURAXESS workgroup for HRS4R will hold a workshop on November 7 at 9:00-10:30.
The aim for the workshop is to share experiences with the HRS4R-process and HRS4R at the universities awarded the certification.
Sign up for the workshop here