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Career Development Centres

Career development resources for researchers

Find more information, different tools and traning resources at the European EURAXESS portal - but first, see the short video presenting the contents of the section, including the tools available there.

Contact your EURAXESS Centre regarding career development services. Click on the link and choose Expertise to see if career service is available.

Career outside academia digital programme spring 2025

Are you an international PhD student or postdoc currently at a Swedish university and curious about a potential career outside academia?
During the spring of 2025 EURAXESS Sweden will offer a fully digital Career Outside Academia Programme, where you can deepen your understanding of your possible future career moves outside academia in Sweden. You will get the chance to listen to inspirational speakers, work with other junior researchers as well as get the chance for individual coaching. 

The outline of the programme:

  • Session 1 (25 March): Welcome to your future! - Meet two international PhD who stepped outside academia to a job and starting a business.
  • Session 2 (7 April): Transitioning from academia to industry - How to handle the mental shift going from academia to the industry and translating your academic and research skills to match what the industry is looking for.
  • Session 3 (22 April): Market yourself to possible employers - Write a selling application and CV.
  • Session 4 (6 May): The power of networking - How do you expand your network and how can you use it finding and landing a position.
  • Session 5 (20 May): The Swedish job market and its employers - EURES will explain the Swedish job market and you will meet a panel of employers and representatives from the business sector.
  • Session 6 (3 June): Stepping into your own future - What kind of support is out there for your after this programme? Meet representatives from the unions and find out what other support you can find.

Application is closed.

On 15 May 2025 (at 14.00-17.00) a digital half-day seminar on a career outside academia will be open for all junior researchers who wants to participate. More information will come later.

Can Sweden afford to lose them?

Staying within academia or leaving for a career outside of academia