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  • ecme_2019_liu_273x68

    15th European Conference on Molecular Electronics (ECME)

    Linköping, Sweden 27–31 August 2019 The European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME, has become the premier European Conference in the field, and ECME 2019 will belong to the prestigious series of biannual conferences previously organized in Italy (Padua, 1992), Germany (Kloster Banz, 1994)...
  • ai-innovation-of-sweden

    AI Innovation of Sweden officially launched

    A new center for research and innovation in artificial intelligence was launched on 6 February at Lindholmen Science Park in Gothenburg. Vinnova is co-financing the center as part of an investment within AI. Read more at
  • vr-logo-270

    New calls 2019

    In spring 2019, the Swedish Research Council (VR) will for the first time issue a call for international postdoc grants within development research. Other new grant formats are two calls linked to register-based research. One relates to grants for research environments, the other to graduate schools...
  • ltu_news

    Forum Equality 2019

    On 30 and 31 January 2019, Luleå University of Technology is in place at the Forum Equality 2019- Sweden's largest gender equality conference. Read more at the website of Luleå University of Technology
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    Prestigious new research projects

    Luleå University of Technology receives close to SEK 17 million in research funds from the Swedish Research Council to five different projects, including non-flammable and environmentally friendly batteries for electric vehicles and the conversion of carbon dioxide into chemicals. Read more at ltu...
  • nobel-week-dialogue_178


    Nobel Week Dialogue, 9 December The event was live-streamed all day on 9 December. Watch it now at Water is essential to the survival of humanity. Every drop is precious. This year the Nobel Week Dialogue will be turning its attention to a topic that is important to us all...
  • erd_visual_2018

    Swedish researcher, one of the speakers at ERD in Ottawa, 5 Nov

    At the European Research Day in Ottawa, on 5 November 2018, the Swedish researcher Karin Björklund from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg will be one of the speakers. She will share her mobility experience in the session: Transatlantic Research for Impact: Featuring best practices of...
  • forskarfredag

    European Researchers’ Night in Sweden

    The last Friday of September, science and research is celebrated in over 340 cities across Europe and neighbouring countries. In Sweden, activities are organised in around 30 cities across the country each year. Read more at
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    Swedish Research Council signs MoU with Brazilian research funding bodies

    On 18 May, the Swedish Research Council together with Formas (Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning) and Vinnova – Sweden’s Innovation Agency signed a bilateral Memorandum of Understanding with the Brazilian organisations CNPq, FINEP and CONFAP. Read...
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    New VA report: record high confidence in Swedish universities

    Concepts like ”post truth” and ”alternative facts” are being increasingly used, mainly in American politics, but also in debate internationally. Does this indicate a crisis of confidence in research? Not in Sweden anyway. A new report shows that the Swedes’ confidence in universities is greater than...