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  • vr_logo_eng_svart_270x125

    Upcoming calls

    The Swedish Research Council is Sweden’s largest governmental research funding body, and supports research of the highest quality within all scientific fields. See upcoming calls at
  • vinnova_green_payoff_eng_rgb_270x58

    Funding from Horizon Europe

    The national contact persons can help you who want to apply for funding from Horizon Europe. Each program area is assigned national contact persons (NCPs). Their task is to help and guide you who want to participate in Horizon Europe. The contact persons are primarily at Vinnova and the Swedish...
  • eures

    Understanding the Swedish labour market - a brief introduction

    We offer a workshop with EURES on 17 May at 15:00-16:00. Sign up for the webinar here Do you consider pursuing a career in Sweden and wish to gain insights on the Swedish labour market? If yes, join us for this webinar as you will get an overview of: The main sectors, which ones have shortages...
  • vr_logo_eng_svart_270x125

    Open calls and upcoming calls at VR

    VR, the Swedish Research Council is Sweden’s largest governmental research funding body, and supports research of the highest quality within all scientific fields. See all open calls and upcoming calls at
  • smarttalks_270

    Podcast EURAXESS Smart Talks

    The EURAXESS Smart Talks podcast, about the most interesting topics for the global research community, is now live! You are invited to listen to fascinating episodes on current issues - the gender gap in academia, careers beyond academia, and entrepreneurship. You can listen to the Smart Talks...
  • uhr_270

    A Platform for Internationalisation

    On behalf of the government, the Swedish Institute, the Swedish Council for Higher Education, the Swedish Higher Education Authority, the Swedish Research Council and Vinnova have established a collaboration platform to facilitate the internationalisation of higher education, research and innovation...