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  • logoeuraxess_220

    Extended Network Meeting, 13 June in Stockholm

    How can we increase international research mobility? We invite you to a day of information and discussions about internationalization and researchers' career development. See programme in Swedish below. The information will be given in Swedish   Informationsmöte om...
  • un_182x154

    International Day of Women and Girls in Science, 11 February

    In order to achieve full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls, and further achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/70/212 declaring 11 February as the International Day of Women and...
  • science-festival

    International Science Festival in Gothenburg, 17-22 April

    With hundreds of activities and about 70,000 visits The International Science Festival in Gothenburg is one of Europe’s leading popular science events and the only one of its kind in Sweden. Theme 2018: What are we? Why do we follow the stream? Why do we stand against things? What is it that makes...
  • nobelweek_270x155

    Nobel Week in Stockholm is approaching

    The Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel are awarded in Stockholm. The official programme of the Nobel Week in Stockholm begins on 6 December with an informal get-together for the 2017...
  • euraxess_default

    EURAXESS MEETING with the Swedish network

    On 9-10 October the Swedish network will be meeting in Stockholm at KTH Royal Institute of Technology . On the agenda is i.a. HRS4R, career development, reports from the EURAXESS training in Zagreb, from the EURAXESS conference in Hague and from study visits. A report from the working group dealing...
  • s4r_250

    Science4Refugees - Support to highly skilled refugee scientists

    The Science4Refugees initiative is directed towards refugee researchers/scientists who have applied for and been granted asylum in a host country, which will enable them to continue their educational path or enter the labour market. Under the header "Science4Refugees" a number of initiatives will be...
  • international-students_270

    Student testimonials

    Read some of the student testimonials in the student blogs published at is a comprehensive, official resource on studying in Sweden for prospective and current international students. Here you’ll find everything you need to know on the Swedish higher...
  • mca_en-01-960x250

    Career Restart Panel - MSCA Individual Fellowships

    The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) of the EU Horizon 2020 programme have just opened a new funding opportunity for post-doctoral researchers of any nationality or field who are seeking to restart their research career in Europe. This is through the Career Restart (CAR) Panel of the Individual...