
The last Friday of September has been designated European Researchers’ Night by the European Commission. Across Sweden and all over Europe hundreds of activities are organised to show members of the public how exciting research can be and how relevant science actually is to our daily lives.
Activities include experiments, interactive activities, exhibitions, dialogue with researchers, science cafés, science shows, workshops and competitions.
- Date & Duration
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- Location/Venue
- Stockholm, Gothenburg, Lund, Uppsala etc. See a complete list by link below., Sweden
In Sweden the event is called ForskarFredag (Researchers’ Friday) and activities are organised by universities, science centres, municipalities and regional development councils and is coordinated by the Swedish non-profit organisation Vetenskap & Allmänhet (Public & Science).
These innovative and exciting activities allow for public engagement and meetings with researchers in relaxed and festive environments. The events are aimed at showing that researchers are ordinary people with extraordinary jobs and that research is all about communication and international cooperation.
The theme of 2017 is The image of the researcher which will challenge stereotypical images of scientists and researchers.
Find a list of participating cities in Sweden at https://forskarfredag.se
Read more about ec.europa.eu/research/researchersnight
- Name
- Vetenskap & Allmänhet (Public & Science).